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As of monday!

PerfectSanga's picture

Yes! I have done it! Managed to get the computer back from my mother and will be UNBANNED as of Monday! She has un-banned me from mumble as of today so Sanga will be back tonight some time! (: Over the weekend my computer is also getting wiped and windows 7 will be re-installed meaning no more alt-tabs out of games! Full computer reset? I think yes! So, I hope to see some of you tonight on mumble, just to chat, and will be very happy to have some games happening over the week! Very keen!

Just thought I’d let you all know I’m still alive (;

- Sanga


chipper's picture


There goes the serenity.

Welcome back. Bummer you will miss ET on Saturday night.

PerfectSanga's picture

I was thinking

I have my laptop, but i don’t think it will run on a little Acer, that’s the only reason its until Monday as I’m at my dads on the weekend and only have my shitty laptop. ): If it could maybe run i could attend but if not then yeah, its a bummer ):

Robag's picture

hmmm this Sanga person

Not sure who he/she is
it could be a new web 2.0 bot on the internets :O


Microman's picture


Welcome back :)

ET is a pretty old game, so there’s a good chance your laptop would run it. Somtin is a laptop down, and he’s playing on his old beast. ET is based on the Quake 3 engine so, if you can play Q3, there should be no problems!

PerfectSanga's picture

I'll try

I’ll try get it all running when i get home from school (:

And hmmmm, Robag’s onto me! shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Somtin's picture

Worth a shot

Yeah give it a go and do lets us know if you want some help.

Looking forward to playing some more LoL with ya! (:

Sha8doW's picture

I missed you.....

I missed youR MUM

Tripsicle98's picture

I would like to announce that Micro and I are drinking presently

So some could expect some mean beats to be on mumble tonight :)

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